“Brett is the best charter captain I’ve used, and the only one I’ve used since we found him. Oh the stories! Everything from epic Ling, Halibut like plywood, to Albacore Tuna schools that the internet wouldn’t believe. Staying on Strawberry Island is best way to fish out of Tofino. Boat picks you up at your door, and you’re off for the day. Accommodations are quite nice, and there’s time for a crab pot in the evenings, but morning comes quick, and Brett will fish all day light hours, as long as the processing plant will let him show up late. Those guys can be a bit of a stick in the mud, but I imagine it can be a pain waiting for all the boats to return just so they can start work. I’m looking forward to my next trip out to Strawberry Island. It’s one of those things that’s worth making the time for!”